On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 09:21 +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Saturday 08 December 2007 08:41:25 John Doty wrote:
> > How about the following in gafrc:
> >
> > (project-symbol-directory "path")
> >
> > Automatically copy any symbol referenced to there. *That's* where you
> > "embed" symbols (not in some random schematic file, where they do not
> > belong). 
> That's arguable.
> > Give any symbol found there silent, unconditional priority 
> > over library symbols, so the user need not deal with duplicate symbol
> > warnings, version mismatches, etc.
> This will automatically happen, as long as you make sure that the local 
> library is added last in the project's gafrc.

Since they will end up with the same name, sort order is the only way to
specify between them. Its a bug IMHO, but if there are two libraries
with the same named symbol in them, the previewer will preview them both
correctly, but you'll only ever be get the latter one in the list into
your schematic (whichever you choose to place).

If the required symbol were copied to your local project symbol dir,
then that would be the one which is seen and used.

> > Put this directory first in the symbol chooser, ahead of all libraries.
> (sort-component-library "disabled")
> Run git unstable and you'll see what I mean.
> > Then "Hs" goes into your project's symbol: you can customize as needed.
> >
> > For extra credit, have "Hu" notice if you've saved the symbol under a
> > new filename, changing the reference as needed. And also have an edit
> > command to change a symbol's reference directly.

I've wanted this before now.. Hs, edit, save as different name, then
have to delete, and re-place the component.

Peter B is right.. its black magic, but focusing on the user
experience... perhaps something we should consider. A dialog box
perhaps? (Sometimes I "Hs" on a symbol I want to edit, but _don't_ want
to change the instance I started with).

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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