On Dec 8, 2007, at 1:21 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

> On Saturday 08 December 2007 08:41:25 John Doty wrote:
>> How about the following in gafrc:
>> (project-symbol-directory "path")
>> Automatically copy any symbol referenced to there. *That's* where you
>> "embed" symbols (not in some random schematic file, where they do not
>> belong).
> That's arguable.

Your project's component stock belongs to the project, not a  
particular schematic file.

>> Give any symbol found there silent, unconditional priority
>> over library symbols, so the user need not deal with duplicate symbol
>> warnings, version mismatches, etc.
> This will automatically happen, as long as you make sure that the  
> local
> library is added last in the project's gafrc.

Your project's component stock is not part of the "library". It  
should be a separate directory, handled specially.

>> Put this directory first in the symbol chooser, ahead of all  
>> libraries.
> (sort-component-library "disabled")

Your project's component stack is not part of the "library". It makes  
sense to sort the library, but your component stock should remain first.


John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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