> Does gschem really has to know it's a "2-in AND" ?

Well, to be pedantic, all it really needs to know is it uses a
specific graphical symbol with pins at specific locations.

But it wouldn't be much of a SCHEMATIC editor if it couldn't tell *us*
that it's a 2-in AND gate.

> More specific: does gschem has a notion of the and function ?

No, but that completely missed my point.  *If* the user puts a "2-in
and" symbol in gschem, all gschem needs to know is that it's that
symbol, with a given refdes.  Something else can correlate "that
symbol" with a field in a database, mapping in part numbers, pinouts,
and footprints, etc.

The MEANING of the symbol is irrelevent to gschem, but the
IDENTIFICATION as "that symbol" is relevent.  The symbol is to the
class of part as the refdes is to the instance of the part.  The BOM
maps an instance of a part to a member of the class of the part.

> And another one: does gschem fully grasp the "2-in" concept with
> swapable pins ?

Not directly.  I've built parts with "slots" for various input pin

> All gschem and pcb have in common is the refdes, pin info and
> connectivity.

Yup.  But they, as tools, wouldn't be useful to us if that was all
they *could* deal with.

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