> The phrase "doesn't scale" comes to mind.

For memory I manually re-route connections in gschem after figuring
out what makes sense in pcb; then load the new netlist and let pcb
complain about whatever needs moving to make it so.

> There is a level of abstraction missing.  Something like a "permutable" 
> attribute. So a 74as30 might have:
> permute=a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6,g:11,h:12
> as a default, mapping pin names to pin numbers.  The "net list tool" 
> could munge the attribute to a new mapping and then back-annotation is 
> simply replacing the attribute with the new mapping.  gschem needs some 
> smarts similar to slotting to put the right pins on the schematics.

In my examples, I've been using sub-slotting for my pin maps.  That
syntax isn't properly parseable, but perhaps something like this would
be...  Example 7410:


Where () groups a slot, and [] groups permutable pins?  So a dual
2-bit latch might be:


Meaning:  Two latches:

Each latch has two permutable cells:

Within each cell, there are two sub-slots:

The advantage of this is that we can tell gschem to ignore the []
characters and start accepting this syntax *now*, at least for simple
parts without sub-slots.

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