Thanks to everyone for their ideas for reading and writing component
attributes.  Unfortunately this may take some time (being eternally
overloaded and unfamiliar with gaf code), but I have a strong interest in
making something work.  What form this takes is still to-be-determined.
Complicating this is the need to have this work for hierarchical
schematics, all the more since the gschem file spec seems to predate (i.e.
not include) hierarchical info.

Using libgeda was my initial guess as the best approach - though with a
minor bit of investigation it seems harder to use (by an external program),
and possibly less stable than simply parsing the sch file[s].

Using gnetlist hadn't occurred to me - I wasn't previously aware of its back-
annotation capability.  Unfortunately (at least based on the current docs)
this seems limited to reference designator changes, which is clearly
insufficient.  Definitely worth looking at, though... thanks for pushing this,
I'll have to see how difficult it would be to expand its capabilities.

Generating my own sch reader/writer is still a possibility, though I'd rather
not re-invent if possible.

Again, thanks to everyone for their ideas.

        Frank Miles

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