While a geda-newbie, over the years I've developed a set of programs which
use a (Postgresql-based) database to update and error check schematics 
in a DOS-based OrCAD.  I would like to have similar capabilities in gschem/pcb.
A key requirement is to be able to read and write component information 
by external programs.

** Where/how can an external program read and/or write component attributes?? **

I've done a moderate search in the geda documentation to find suitable 
other mechanism which would allow this.  <gattrib> doesn't do it - it provides
a nice mechanism for hand-entry, but doesn't (in my quick check) seem to 
any mechanism for program control.

If anyone can provide pointers to the documents that I have sloppily overlooked,
I'd appreciate it.  Thanks!

        Frank Miles

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