I'd like to second Franks request.  

Our company has an established  internal parts database (mysql) from
which I'd like to be able to use to stuff attributes with.  I've looked
at the raw schematic file format and it appears to be straight forward
(except for auto placement on the schematic of the hidden text).  Like
gattrib, I see this database-attrib tool as a separate application.
What functionality does libgeda possess toward this application that
would compel me to use it?  Some simple attrib parsing components?


On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 17:01 +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 October 2008 16:36:47 Frank Miles wrote:
> > While a geda-newbie, over the years I've developed a set of programs which
> > use a (Postgresql-based) database to update and error check schematics
> > originating in a DOS-based OrCAD.  I would like to have similar
> > capabilities in gschem/pcb. A key requirement is to be able to read and
> > write component information (attributes) by external programs.
> >
> > ** Where/how can an external program read and/or write component
> > attributes?? **
> >
> Your best bet is probably either:
> (1) Link against libgeda, or
> (2) Process the (pretty straightforward) file format yourself.
>                                        Peter
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