On Oct 29, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On Oct 29, 2008, at 5:02 PM, John Luciani wrote:
>>> Should I adjust the size of the symbols or the size of title-B.sym?
>>> What is the correct way and how do I do that?
>> I would adjust the size of the symbols. The standard symbols seem a
>> bit too big
>> for me as well.

That's not the paradigm. The way gEDA works is that you keep the  
symbol size constant in gEDA's arbitrary units, and make the extent  
of your page what you want to shrink them to the size you want.

I personally find title-B about right for letter or A4 paper with the  
existing symbols. I like modules I can comprehend, not spaghetti  
going all over the place. I also don't want to give the bifocals too  
much of a workout ;-)

Note that you don't have to use a titleblock at all. Some of my  
collaborators just put in cvstitleblock-1.sym with no frame, so the  
schematic just fills whatever page it's printed on.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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