I like a hierarchical schematic where I have a top.sch which has symbols
for each of the major subsections and I use buses for most digital
signal paths and nets for the analog paths to interconnect these

When you have designs with a thousand components on it I don't care how
small your symbols are or how big your printer is it ain't readable.

Steve Meier

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 18:22 -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2008, at 5:33 PM, John Doty wrote:
> >>>> Should I adjust the size of the symbols or the size of title-B.sym?
> >>>> What is the correct way and how do I do that?
> >>>
> >>> I would adjust the size of the symbols. The standard symbols seem a
> >>> bit too big
> >>> for me as well.
> >>
> > That's not the paradigm. The way gEDA works is that you keep the
> > symbol size constant in gEDA's arbitrary units, and make the extent
> > of your page what you want to shrink them to the size you want.
> >
> > I personally find title-B about right for letter or A4 paper with the
> > existing symbols. I like modules I can comprehend, not spaghetti
> > going all over the place. I also don't want to give the bifocals too
> > much of a workout ;-)
> >
> > Note that you don't have to use a titleblock at all. Some of my
> > collaborators just put in cvstitleblock-1.sym with no frame, so the
> > schematic just fills whatever page it's printed on.
>    I rather despise the new-fangled "plop a component down and attach  
> netnames to each of the pins, with no lines going anywhere"  
> methodology, if that's what you meant by your spaghetti reference. ;)
>    What I like to do is have large schematics with small symbols,  
> with a title block, and I print them usually at 11"x17".  Would it be  
> reasonable to simply use a LARGE title block (say, E size) and scale  
> it to fit the page on the way out to the printer?
>             -Dave

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