I use a wireless Logitech lazer 3-button mouse (actually two buttons
   and a center wheel).  I don't think I would be able to do it with a
   one-button mouse either, or the touch pad for that matter.
   One issue with the mouse that I can't seem to get around is that the
   center button doesn't work in Linux context for some reason.  The
   scrolling works, but clicking doesn't.  Instead, the mouse functions
   as if three-button emulation is enabled--meaning that I get the effect
   of the center button click by clicking on the left and right buttons
   simultaneously--even though three-button emulation is not configured
   in my xorg.conf file.  I think this is a side-effect of VMware Fusion.
   Its annoying but I have gotten used to it.
   I have heard that the Apple MightyMouse appears to be a single-button
   mouse but actually functions like a two or three button mouse in the
   sense that it can discriminate between clicks on the left and right
   sides of the button.  I'm not sure if this could improve the user
   experience in gEDA or not.
   On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 14:48 -0600, Mark Rages wrote:

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Ken Lauffenburger <[1]k...@aavatech.com> wrote
>   One more recommendation for MacBook Pro.  I bought this unit (17"
>   version maxed out) a year ago and I love it.  No hardware or software
>   problems so far and screaming fast.  I use VMware Fusion to run Gentoo
>   Linux on it and I am in that context at least 90% of the time.  So far
>   I have developed 5 PCBs using gEDA on Linux/VMware on this unit.
>   Originally I had planned on installing Linux natively on the MacBook
>   using a separate partition (I have heard it works great) but I have
>   found that I like the ability to switch between OSX and Linux quickly
>   without a reboot.
>   --ken

I use a similar, but lower-end, setup, with Ubuntu under virtualbox on
a 1st-gen macbook.

It works, but I much prefer CAD work on a real desktop with a
multi-button mouse.  It's hard for me to even function in gEDA with
the one-button mouse.  How to you guys cope?



   1. mailto:k...@aavatech.com

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