On Monday 12 January 2009 19:36:46 Joerg wrote:

> When you place the first instantation it'll be pins 1,2,3, the next one
> 5,6,7 and so on. But all are supplied via the common supply pins 4 and
> 11. In gschem you only have two choices. Either you create a library
> model that repeats those pins 4 and 11 visibly for all four
> instantations or you create the library part with the power pins
> detached where none of the instantations show power pins. This can be
> practical for auto-connecting digital stuff to a VCC rail but it doesn't
> work well in the analog world. Now you could also have pins 11 and 4 as
> a separate "fifth" device. Anyhow, neither method looks professional,
> neither is industry practice, and all make schematics more difficult to
> understand for others. Especially for non-analog guys.

Okay, so how would you describe your 'ideal' solution?


Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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