Ales Hvezda wrote:
> All,
> Oh no, not again...  We have already had this _exact_ same endless
> discussion a couple of months ago.  People, please go back into the
> archives and re-read the previous discussion and take all follow up
> offline.  Please?
> [ snip everything cause it has been hashed out before ]
> Joerg,
> Posting the same complaints again and again, does *not* help your cause
> and will not generate any action/attention/sympathy.
> Again, please read and act upon the advice given at:
> In particular bullets one and three.  I think that all developer goodwill
> and kindness (bullet two) has already been spent in full.
> In the end, my final recommendation is that you go out and purchase a
> commercial EDA package that meets all of _your_ needs.  This project is 
> really not for people who are unwilling/unable to accept the published
> goals/approach [1].
> Let's all try very hard to avoid such repeat threads in the future.
> Thank you,
>       -Ales   
> [1] The gEDA project's goals/approach are clearly documented at:
> Please read it in full.  If you do not agree with these goals, please
> find some other mailing lists to inhabit.  Thank you.

Well, I only explained it since John asked. He is probably a very good 
SW expert (which I am not) and was interested in this. No, I do not 
expect that this is going to be fixed just because I suggested it. And 
yes, I'll use other (commercial) SW for now, and maybe until I retire :-)

Regards, Joerg

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