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On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:52:27AM +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Saturday 24 January 2009 00:43:10 John Griessen wrote:
> > Giuseppe Dia wrote:
> > > just a quick message to say I've founded a gEDA group on Linkedn called
> > > gEDA professionals </groups?gid=1779877>.
> > See
> >
> > "The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA tools for
> > POSIX systems with the primary purpose of advancing the state of free
> > hardware or open source hardware. The group aim is to share knowledge or
> > suggestions and to link the various EDA people that use gEDA for work or
> > study."
> >
> > Is the free hardware part really from gEDA?  I don't remember reading that
> > before.
> New to me. AFAIK most people who do gEDA designs are developing proprietary 
> hardware (I know that applies to me).

OK, but you can see where this idea creeps in: people wanting
to work on, contribute to, and use Free (as in freedom) hardware
designs do not want to depend on proprietary software to do it.

Maybe Giuseppe should weaken that statement a little, but it
makes sense to keep some kind of reference in there.  Maybe:

"The gEDA project was started to develop and support free (as in
Freedom) EDA software for POSIX and other computer systems, with
some overlap with people interested in free or open source hardware.
The group aims to share knowledge, and to connect people that use
gEDA for work or study."

Bleah.  Still needs work.

    - Larry

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