On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Therefore, I was wondering if other folks might be interested in
> getting occasional private e-mails from me alerting them to any such
> articles.  Then, folks who felt moved could respond to the posts.
> That way it wouldn't only be me responding to these blog posts.
> Rather, we'd have a gEDA tag team doing guerilla marketing.

Hello Stuart,

do add me chitlesh [at] fedoraproject DOT org

I do the same on the FEL mailing list. So I was wondering if there is
some sort of mechanism that could automated the alert.

After I left university, I still kept contact with some friends and we
use google reader to share different blog posts that can be attractive
to the others. So if you are sending url of those blog posts, I
believe you track them via RSS feeds right?


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