On Jan 30, 2009, at 7:28 PM, Steve Meier wrote:

> If there exist two tools each that can import from the other then they
> can communicate.

OK, so part of the problem from your perspective is that the  
commercial tools don't support their side of this deal with gEDA. ;-)

> GEDA is a Shark in a very small pond.

Is the pond that small? gEDA is widely distributed. The companies  
that charge $30k/seat can't have very large customer bases, or they'd  
own the world. ;-)

You seem to measure the size of the pond by revenue. But that doesn't  
work for FOSS. For me, the pond is measured by how far you can swim.  
With gEDA, it's a long way. Big, complex boards, mixed-signal VLSI, ...

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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