On Jan 30, 2009, at 6:16 PM, Steve Meier wrote:

>>  Specifically, exporting netlists to just about any other tool
>> is a radical strength.
>> That's a *specific* problem, of narrow interest
> Where as I WAS! (and will no longer) talking about the general  
> issues of
> having to share work with others like open office can with MS office.

But *nobody* can do that in the EDA world. The commercial tools you  
mentioned can only import, not export. And (as an open office user) I  
would not want open office to be a model for gEDA: it copies all of  
the bloat, inflexibility, and bizarre, unpredictable behavior of the  
MS software it replaces. Its *only* advantage is that it's free. But  
gEDA is a superior toolkit.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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