Peter Clifton wrote:

> Another technique I tried (before the above), which the assembly house
> didn't like, was to outline the hierarchy blocks on the board. I added
> manual text to those blocks labelling the hierarchy block they belonged
> to. Within the block, the refdes text was stripped of its hierarchy
> prefixes. 

This sounds so reasonable to me.  But only if I think of humans doing the work.
I can see why a CM might want a unique refdes, or no refdes.The CM's robot 
might get lost
and think a refdes meant where it was -- untrue if it is repeated several times.
Or the CM's robot might have a vision system method of confirming placement 
that is confusable
by repeated refdes's.

I like Kai-Martin's compact form with "" as a hiearchy separator:  5R24.  It's 
blown if
you have more than one sublevel from the top of hierarchy... or maybe not...

suppose top and 2 levels, then R's on three levels would be:
R1 R2 3R1 4R1 4R2 3S1R1  where S1 S2 ...  designate 3rd level instances.

Its hard to pick a set of single letter names to use as instance names to use 
with a ""
separator, since so many are "used up" by first letters of component names: Cap 
Diode Fuse J(connector) L(inductor)
Q(transistor) Resistor Terminal U(IC) Varactor Xtal

John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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