On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 03:13 -0600, Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> Since the Schematic Import was still giving me troubles, I've upgraded to 
> GEDA 1.6.1 and pulled the latest PCB changes from GIT, uninstalled it, 
> checked that there are no obvious references to PCB or GEDA anywhere under 
> /usr/local (including that symlink that was previously needed), rebuilt and 
> reinstalled.
> So now, the prefixes for PCB and GEDA are definitely the same.  :-)
> As before, I've copied a known working schematic to ~/test.sch, and saved an 
> empty board layout as ~/test.pcb, with "test" as the name on the layout.
> I then try to "Import Schematics", but it looks like things have taken a 
> slight backward step:  I am greeted with that single-line error message in 
> the message log that cropped up before: "Can't add rat lines because no 
> netlist is loaded".  The only message on the controlling terminal is:
> Could not open actions file "/tmp/pcb.XXXCNCim/gnetlist_output"
> So as before I ran PCB via strace.  The trace indicates that PCB is trying to 
> find and run "defgnetlist"  (and it checks in several places, including 
> /usr/bin) with "test.sch" as one of the arguments.   There are no executables 
> anywhere in my $PATH that start with "def".  
> Did I miss a step?

Looks like a mistake.. PCB has "defgnetlist" hard-coded rather than

Try with this environment variable set as a work-around for now:


(Use a full path if necessary).

Peter C

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