Steven Michalske <> wrote:

> Out of curiosity, if you were to temporarily make a copy of the contents
> [...]

Changing out the symlink for a real directory full of files didn't help, but I 
believe I have found the problem:

Normally when you reference a stock footprint in a schematic, you do so by 
name, without any suffixes, e.g. you specify "RCY100" instead of "RCY100.fp".  
This is how I reference my custom footprints as well, and it's enough to 
satisfy gsch2pcb.

I tried changing all references to my custom footprints in the schematic to 
include ".fp", and sure enough, it works.  The Import function finds them just 
fine this way.

This of course represents a significant change in behavior, so I'd have to 
suggest that the suffix be made optional in the Import function.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz <>

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