There is a bug in the git version of PCB.  If you put your newlib
footprints in a directory, the library import stuff can't find them.
The library import stuff looks in *subdirectories* of your footprint
directory.   This has to do with the way the importer works, as well
asl how the library data inside PCB is structured.

If you want to use the git stuff, put your footprints in a directory
*under* ~/GEDA/www/user/vanessa_ezekowitz/footprints/ (example:

I've been fiddling with creating a fix for this, but it's slow going
since I need to learn about how PCB itself works.

Good luck,


On Sun, 21 Feb 2010, Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 11:26:19 +0000
Peter Clifton <> wrote:


Setting this variable (I used the full path) gets the import function working 
and gets me back to the point I was at in the other thread:

I have PCB configured to look in ~/GEDA/www/user/vanessa_ezekowitz/footprints/  
(by way of a symlink, for readability), and the Library dialog lets me pick and 
place them as desired, but the Schematic Import function can't find them when 
they're called for in the schematic.  The connections to/from those components 
seem to be present in the generated netlist, though.

Two example schematics:

(if any of the symbols come up missing, they're in my 
repository.. I'm still getting used to embedding my symbols)

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz <>

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