On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:08 PM, timecop wrote:

> Diptrace has a pair of ulp scripts to convert eagle project to ascii
> schematic and pcb.
OK, although I don't know what either Diptrace or ulp are.  Sounds like a good 
place to start, though.

I'm wondering how the library issue would be handled.  Presumably, it reads the 
Eagle library and spits out symbol information as part of the ascii?

> after some creative editing to make output format match geda, it
> should be fairly feature compelte
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 1:36 PM, al davis <ad...@freeelectron.net> wrote:
>> I proposed a translator system, using an intermediate language,
>> to translate both ways between schematic, layout, and
>> simulation.  It needs to happen.

Really?  Is there a use for gEDA->Eagle?

I never would have cared about Eagle, except that the RepRap PCB's are done 
with Eagle.  Now, why someone would do open source hardware with closed source 
tools is a mystery to me... but anyway.... so far in a total of 30 minutes of 
Eagle usage I've discovered: 1) the crippleware version only allows a single 
schematic sheet, leading people to create unreadable glop, and 2) printing is 
truly bizarre.  I can't imagine someone going from gEDA to the free/crippled 
version of Eagle.  And as to going to the commercial version, OK I can see some 
customer requiring that, but isn't that Eagle's problem?  After all, nobody is 
hiding gEDA's file formats.


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