On Tuesday 23 February 2010, John Griessen wrote:
> Anyone have any ideas you'd like mentioned to him?  Questions
>  I should ask? I'm just planning on telling him the status of
>  verilog-ams backend of gnetlist and that it can run some
>  simulations from a netlist -- the way it needs to be for
>  many chip design/verification work flows.  Just in case
>  there's any development money or new developers available.

It really doesn't work .. sorry.

Gnucap (the development version) will take netlists in Spice, 
Spectre, or Verilog formats.  The gnetlist backend only supports 
a small subset of what could be done.  For years, I have 
accepted the fact that the generated netlist has some flaws and 
requires manual editing.  I can deal with it, unhappily, but 
most beginners can't, and most people who might think of 
migrating won't even if they could.

We really need a more general translator, that isn't based on 
the gschem format or any other tool specific format.  I have a 
start, but need help.
> Reference:  http://www.edn.com/article/CA6670945.html
> “We have been working with Keil to simulate mixed-signal
>  peripherals. But, eventually, we are going to need a full 
>  analog/mixed-signal simulator on the desktop—something that
>  can pull together Verilog, Spice, and software simulations
>  on the desktop for a low price,” he says. “We are still
>  searching.”  Reid Wenders EDN, 7/23/2009

If I can get some help with Gnucap, this will happen.

Actually, I do have some help now, but need more, especially 
people to work on user oriented issues, what most people think 
of as the easy part.

Gnucap was designed for mixed signal from the beginning, long 
before there was such a thing as Verilog-AMS.  What is lacking 
is a fully working model compiler.  There is work in progress 
with Icarus to make this happen.  The main missing piece now is 
a back-end for Icarus that matches the gnucap interface.  That 
is really the only critical missing piece.

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