On Feb 22, 2010, at 10:29 PM, timecop wrote:

> ulp is eagle script file.

> i assumed if you wanted to convert something, you'd have eagle running.
Just barely, and just recently.  And not for much total time yet.

> im pretty sure ulp can access to library data as well, so something to
> output ascii can be easily written.
Well, diptrace must have the same problem.  You either need to map from one 
library to the other, or export enough of the library that you can import into 
the new library the required symbols.

> diptrace is payware pcbcad, but freely downloadable version also
> includes these 2 conversion scripts. (Eagle_to_DipTrace_SCH.ulp and
> Eagle_to_DipTrace_PCB.ulp).

> since eagle .sch/.pcb format isnt documented and no external libs
> available to read it (as far as i know), the only way to export
> anything is write/use a script run inside eagle.
That makes a lot of sense, even when the file format *is* well documented.  The 
question is then, how much munging does it take to transmute diptrace ascii 
exchange format into gEDA stuff.


> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Dave N6NZ <n...@arrl.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 22, 2010, at 9:08 PM, timecop wrote:
>>> Diptrace has a pair of ulp scripts to convert eagle project to ascii
>>> schematic and pcb.
>> OK, although I don't know what either Diptrace or ulp are.  Sounds like a 
>> good place to start, though.
>> I'm wondering how the library issue would be handled.  Presumably, it reads 
>> the Eagle library and spits out symbol information as part of the ascii?
>>> after some creative editing to make output format match geda, it
>>> should be fairly feature compelte
>>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 1:36 PM, al davis <ad...@freeelectron.net> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>> I proposed a translator system, using an intermediate language,
>>>> to translate both ways between schematic, layout, and
>>>> simulation.  It needs to happen.
>> Really?  Is there a use for gEDA->Eagle?
>> I never would have cared about Eagle, except that the RepRap PCB's are done 
>> with Eagle.  Now, why someone would do open source hardware with closed 
>> source tools is a mystery to me... but anyway.... so far in a total of 30 
>> minutes of Eagle usage I've discovered: 1) the crippleware version only 
>> allows a single schematic sheet, leading people to create unreadable glop, 
>> and 2) printing is truly bizarre.  I can't imagine someone going from gEDA 
>> to the free/crippled version of Eagle.  And as to going to the commercial 
>> version, OK I can see some customer requiring that, but isn't that Eagle's 
>> problem?  After all, nobody is hiding gEDA's file formats.
>> -dave

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