On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM, gene glick <carzr...@optonline.net> wrote:
> After a very long time, I am just about ready to send out 3 different boards
> for fab.  I would appreciate any advice to improve my chances of success.
>  So far here's what has been done:
> 1. Run DRC on all PCBs with no issues..
> 2. Checked schematics.
> 3. Checked schematic matches layout.
> 4. In process of checking all the components, especially the transistor
> pinouts (all SOT23 devices)
> 5. Checked the board dimensions. These boards plug into one another, so have
> to be sure they match up.  It looks good physically and the pin numbers look
> correct from board-to-board.
> 6. Checked the soldermask.  I found a bunch with very minimal dam spacing so
> fixed them.
> 7. fixed cosmetic trace runs that looked ugly.
> 8. double checked for unused traces left behind from component moves.

Make a rendering with --photo-mode and check that it looks like what
you are expecting.  Errors become more obvious to my eyes with a
realistic-looking rendering than the false color of gerbv or pcb.  If
the design isn't secret, post the rendering online (eg., imgur.com)
and we'll all take a look.

You can use Advanced Circuit's freedfm.com and see what it says.

Mark Rages, Engineer
Midwest Telecine LLC

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