On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 04:07:13PM -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
> I've learned most of this by working at a large CM, and 'The Hard Way'
> of doing it wrong.
> For example the job today is 5,000 boards.  When you get into
> quantities, you start to do things
> differently.  See the note at the bottom of my blog
> http://blog.designer-iii.com/avr_isp_spi/20081116-10511-Digital-MEMS-Accelerometers-will-not-work-with-AVR-ISP-using-SPI
> .
> ""You are supposed to isolated the AVR ISP pins with 1k resistors, as
> the Atmel documentation shows".

I would have just ensured that my AVR image didn't contain any sequences
that trigger the problem.  It might be possible to just modify AVRdude
to detect such sequences and modify the programming sequence to avoid
them.  Sort of like bit stuffing with NRZI.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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