On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 04:41:35PM -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
> > I would have just ensured that my AVR image didn't contain any sequences
> > that trigger the problem.
> How?  Its a crap shoot as to know if any particular image will
> generate the bad sequence.
> Then you waste time trying to figure out how to get around it.

You can "waste time" spinning the board or "waste time" working
around the programming issue.  If it's just part of your normal board
spins, obviously you just change the board.  If you didn't happen to
encounter a problem issue until after you have 50,000 made, then you
spend time avoiding the problem at the programming stage.

I bet it wouldn't be that hard to modify AVRdude to avoid a specific
output bit sequence during programming without modifying your image at
all.  "Worst" case is to find a bootloader that doesn't trigger the
problem (or is easily modified to avoid it) and then you control both

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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