On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> 3) There is consensus, that the current library is in poor shape. But 
> there are diverging opinions how a good default library should look like. 
And I doubt there will ever be a "one size fits all" library.  The flexibility 
of the current system is it's strength, you can pretty much always get what you 
want, or close enough.   OTOH, the flexibility of the current system causes no 
end of confusion to new users.

I think that there are probably different libraries for different user 
communities.  I can think of two footprint libraries right off: a) result must 
be easy to hand solder -- either because the user is a hobbyist or someone who 
wants to create kits for a hobbyist community where you want good results to 
come easily, and b) result targets automated manufacturing at low cost, using 
lots of SMT.

And when it comes to symbols, then it gets into religious arguments :)  I like 
symbols that might pass for ANSI compliant. And I split the 
power/ground/infrastructure into a second block. Either of those ideas can make 
other people wince. So it gets tangled up in methodology arguments, too.

So, in an ideal world, I could see having different communities ("Library 
SIGs") support different libraries.  A community/library being defined by a 
list of design rules and methodology guidelines.

Anyway, all that said, I think that is expecting a lot for the gEDA community 
to form library SIGs around different design rule manifestos.  There just 
aren't enough of us to go around.  For the time being we are all Library SIGs 
of one person each :)


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