Mike Bushroe wrote:

     Or perhaps just a script or tools that will help set up all the
   resource files so that both programs access the same directories. I am
   new enough to Linux that it is not always obvious to me that a resource
   file is missing, has the wrong information, or the syntax is off and I
   never see a warning message that it is wrong, only that my board is
   once again incomplete.

Here is something you might like -- I fixed this up the other day:

It's a project skeleton, (plus contents), that lets you access
the symbol and footprint libraries
contained in it without changing your global settings.

In it you will see some project specific symbols and footprints,
plus a copy of John Luciani's footprint library.  They are not run
together, but in separate library dirs, so making variations of a
design based on different libs, but same netlist (and symbol and footprint 
is possible.  That concept of different libs with same component names
is enough to cause confusion sometimes,
but is often what happens as you evolve designs related to each other
and still need past designs...  to do that you create a new project
and separate copy of libraries and never let the old designs get overwritten
by newer symbols or footprints.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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