I made a first attempt to create a database schema, that's a collection
of table definitions on this - It's not a good idea to work on tables
representing trees and DAG's at 02:00 in the morning, so this is just
sketches and reminders of what I want. Some other list member is working
in the same direction.
Usually I start with a requirements specification if doing serious dev
and this would go for review here or at least some peers.
Once I got something presentable, I'll present it ;-)

Vladimir Zhbanov wrote:
Armin Faltl wrote:
Hello Vladimir,

the point in not using a text file format for this but a relational database
with SQL is not the data storage but the capabilities of the database server.
It allows modeling of relations and more important, relational queries.
This can look something like:

SELECT elem.footprint FROM elem, part
WHERE part.name LIKE "TLC555%" AND elem.package = part.package AND elem.process = "reflow";

listing all the known footprints of all known packages for parts starting with "TLC555",
that are good for reflow soldering.
The real tables will be somewhat more complicated - it's just to give an idea. The DB avoids all the hassle with file parsing, inventing file formats and in-memory datastructures because all this is done by the server. All one needs is a simple list to receive the answer.

The raw table data can be inserted and retrieved using text files, that's formats are well documented and extremely well tested. For what they do DB-servers are even very fast.


Hello, Armin.

Well, I agree that relational DB is better than text files. I suggested
temporary solution because I think we need it until anybody will
seriously work to create the database.
Is there anyone here who has maybe skeleton for it? It could be first
variant to work on. Then gEDA users having ready projects could parse
their heavy symbols to grow that DB.


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