I'm here only for a bit over a week, got a lot of help and try to contribute something. In my opinion, even if you were bashing gEDA or parts of it, this would be still your right, while probably no good place. What sounds like bashing in the ears of some
contains constructive criticisim in the ears of others maybe.

I didn't say anything about the patent thing yet. Well, I hold some patents, not in software. Studies show, that 80% of all technical knowledge openly available is described in patents only, no books no publications etc. A personal guess of mine is, that a similiar number of patents is expired already. Ignoring that knowledge because of a weird sense of political
There are even cases of patents that were acquired to make them open source ;-) There is hardly a better protection imaginable for an OS-implementation than an expired

I hope that clears things up. If not, I really don't know how to explain
what I meant any better, so you will have to make do with the knowledge
that I did not mean to sound like I was bashing gEDA.

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