Most tools require some preliminary investment in terms of setting up
   libraries to the satisfaction of the user, plus general
   familiarisation. I think you will find you only need to modify your
   symbol once to include the appropriate SPICE directives. If you save
   this symbol you can then reuse it (not trying to make you suck eggs
   here but this argument seems stalled to the point of stating the

   The purpose of gschem does not include containing a library of symbols
   that include all possible spice and pcb footprint information. gEDA
   includes gattrib to ease the process of customising symbols - this is
   not the only method of adding/editing attributes though.

   Comparing gEDA with LTSpice is a bit odd once you understand the
   purpose of gEDA. LTSpice by definition has all the SPICE information
   for all its library components - but I'll warrent it has very little
   information about component footprints. gEDA is much more powerful and
   versatile than LTSpice but does require you to do a bit of manual work
   to begin with. There is discussion about creating a database separate
   to gschem that may in the future provide SPICE symbol data for standard
   components. Depending on how this is integrated into the workflow,
   perhaps this would ease your concerns. Not much help at this stage

   All the best,


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