On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Ales Hvezda wrote:
> And my usual questions:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/396011/

I've had some part in this.   Whether or not proprietary design files can be 
compatible with open source hardware has been an active topic of debate, even 
amongst the people writing that draft definition.   It's a tough, tough call, 
for all the reasons that Bunnie mentions.  

I think that the proper place to resolve this issue is in the actual 
*licenses,* which as with OSS may vary from permissive to restrictive.  I'd 
like to see the evolution of at least one OSHW license where a requirement is 
that the design files for the project-- and its derivative works --need to be 
in open, documented formats.

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