On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 19:28 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
> > I guess it would be no great deal for smart (but very busy) people
> > like Peter C. and DJ, to implement the basic concept. For people not
> > familiar with the internals of gschem and PCB like me it may take
> > very long...
> I'm quite willing to teach people PCB internals, if it means having
> more PCB developers.

In my opinion writing some basic documentation about the internal work
of PCB would be really a good idea. (I can remember that I looked at the
PCB source code about two years ago: I was very positive surprised about
the fact that the code was very compact, but I was not able to see the
basic concepts...)

>more PCB developers.

Unfortunately here in Germany most people concerned with electronics are
very lazy, stupid and do not really care about FOSS. Some weeks ago I
visited the kicad developer mailing list -- not much activity from
german people also... 


Stefan Salewski

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