On Aug 14, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Paul Tan wrote:

> Is the case you mentioned above relates to the problem of "slotting" in
> PCB?

No. It can happen whenever you have multiple symbols with the same refdes, 
regardless of the back end. Slotting is a particular case of this, but not the 
only one. It's a pure gnetlist problem, having nothing to do with pcb.

Here are two minimal files that demonstrate the problem. Don't bother opening 
them in gschem: they contain no graphics. But they each contain a single 
component, represented by two embedded symbols with the same refdes. The only 
difference is the order of the two symbols.

[Hikyuu:/tmp] jpd% gnetlist -g partslist1 foobar.sch
Loading schematic [/private/tmp/foobar.sch]
[Hikyuu:/tmp] jpd% cat output.net
..refdes        device  value   footprint       quantity
thing   unknown unknown unknown 1
[Hikyuu:/tmp] jpd% gnetlist -g partslist1 barfoo.sch
Loading schematic [/private/tmp/barfoo.sch]
[Hikyuu:/tmp] jpd% cat output.net
..refdes        device  value   footprint       quantity
thing   unknown unknown horse   1

Note that in the case of "foobar.sch" the footprint is "unknown", while in the 
case of "barfoo.sch", the footprint is "horse".

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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