Hi John Doty,

On Aug 14, 2010; 08:49am, John Doty wrote:

Except that it's slightly broken in the symbol case. Symbols are
looked up by
refdes, but a component may be represented by multiple symbols with
the same
refdes. Also, there may be more than one attribute with the same
name, but
the code only finds one at most. The code in
apparently looks in the the first matching symbol it finds for the
matching attribute (if any).

Is the case you mentioned above relates to the problem of "slotting" in
PCB? I don't design PCB myself, but occasionally I was curious about the
"slotting" problems people complained about it here.  As I remember,
a year ago, it occurred to me, by briefly looking at how the PCB backend
processes the "packages" (the term used in gEDA Scheme code), I suspected
that the solution might be in how the "packages" are interpreted by the
PCB backends.

Correct me if I am wrong here (I only briefly looked at the PCB backend
codes and I don't know what PCB's requirements are) : The PCB backend could have interpreted the "package" item in Scheme functions not directly as the final PCB's refdes, but a prefixed refdes for a logical symbol in the Gschem,
such as Uxx_yy, where Uxx is the final "PCB_refdes" and the Uxx_yy is
the logical refdes assigned to a logical symbol by the users or hook script
in Gschem.  The yy number may refer to a pinnumber or pinseq of a
PCB's physical package, or from the slot definition, which the user or
"auto refdes" hook can use to auto assign them in Gschem.

If what I suspected is true, then it is not necessary to make changes to the
Gnetlist frontend C codes to solve the problem, but just fix it in the
PCB Scheme backend code. Not sure if this is the exact case for the PCB's
netlist problem though, just a thought.

This problem would be worse for nets, since multisegment nets are
common, and multiple attributes of the same name would be a
way to express multiple net properties.

Could be.  If absolutely necessary, I might expose some forms of parsed
NETLIST's nid or even the OBJECT's sid, with appropriate prefix, to
the Gnetlist generic backend.

Best Regards,
Paul Tan

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