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Am 14.08.2010 01:13, schrieb Stefan Salewski:

> Indeed currently I am still looking for a good reason against that
> proposal. My best candidates: It is not too useful for small projects,
> and it is some work to implement.

I don't think that this is a good argument against it as long as you
don't force small projects to use it. I would see it as an extension to
the current gschem -> pcb flow. If you don't specify anything, you get
the default net attributes as defined in PCB.

> I have to admit that I do not know much about "differential pairs" now,
> but it is very important...

If you go high frequency it's getting important. Related to that are
termination requirements of a given net, carefully select whether the
termination needs to be close to the driver or close to the receiver.
Typically this is a problem a tool can't handle.
> I guess it would be no great deal for smart (but very busy) people like
> Peter C. and DJ, to implement the basic concept. For people not familiar
> with the internals of gschem and PCB like me it may take very long...
I second that, and I read the response from DJ: You don't know how hard
it can be to teach a hardware guy software concepts :-) .

> Best regards
> Stefan Salewski
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