> in general I don't like having 2 names for the same net, Maybe I'm
> biased with my experience of vhdl synthesis, normally the name that you
> don't expect survives synthesis and the other one gets lost (and that
> even may vary between two releases of the same tool). So having only one
> name has advantages.

It's not the same NET.  Each NET has a name.  A *BUS* is a group of
nets, you can refer to the names of the nets inside it or give the bus
its own name.

For example:

Nets A0 to A15, D0 to D7, RD, WR, and EN are grouped into a bus.

You can refer to the nets within the bus when you pull them out for
a connection:

        A[0:15],D[0:7],RD,WR,EN  - all the nets
        A[0:1],RD,EN  - some of the nets
        A15,D[0:7],WR,EN  - some of the nets

but we could also give the *grouping* a name, like "CONTROL_BUS".

So, for example, you could give a bus a "netname" to enumerate the
nets contained therein (just like we do for single-signal nets), as
well as a "busname" to name the grouping.

I can't think of a good reason to do this, but I suppose you could
connect to a bus pin (aka "pin with multiple signals") and name the
*bus* while leaving the individual *nets* unnamed, and carry that bus
name on to a second schematic page, still without naming the nets, and
connect it to another bus pin with the same number of signals, and
hope it all works out :-)

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