On Aug 15, 2010, at 5:00 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> But in Paul's approach, every connection is a bus.
> To use your own words: But synthesis is not the only geda flow!
> With physical electronics, individual electrical connections are
> fundamental, and groupings are synthetic.  They're totally distinct
> concepts, unlike in synthesis.

I completely disagree. An individual connection is simply a group of one.

Kernighan and Pike's "Program design in the UNIX environment" is one of the 
greatest papers on software design ever written. Their first example of a well 
designed program is "cat", whose most common use is displaying a single file, a 
special case of concatenation. There is no need for a special program to cover 
that special case: the general program works fine.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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