On Aug 15, 2010, at 4:15 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> I called it "bus pin" meaning a pin that connects to a bus, vs a pin
> that connects to a net, in gschem.  I mean, we already have two
> fundamental connection types in gschem - nets and busses.  Why don't
> we have two pin types that correspond?

But in Paul's approach, every connection is a bus. There's no separate "net" 
concept, just the possibility of single conductor* busses. Eliminating 
unnecessary distinctions is a good thing. So there is no need for two kinds of 
pins, either. But at the graphical level, of course, one would like to draw 
distinctions (often more than two). So it would be good to have adjustable 
styles (at least color and width) for both busses and pins.

* "Conductor" is of course too specific here, given that we have users that 
design hydraulics with gschem.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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