I'm pondering a minor change in pcb's defaults to give us a more
useful default stackup.  How's this?

  LAYERNAME (1, "top"),
  LAYERNAME (2, "ground"),
  LAYERNAME (3, "signal2"),
  LAYERNAME (4, "signal3"),
  LAYERNAME (5, "power"),
  LAYERNAME (6, "bottom"),
  LAYERNAME (7, "outline"),
  LAYERNAME (8, "spare"),

This encompasses a few changes:

1. Default to six-layer stackup.  You can ignore the signalN or
   power/ground layers for smaller boards.  This covers nearly all PCB
   users (2/4/6 layers), and the rest can edit the stackup as usual.

2. Always include an "outline" layer.  Handling an empty outline layer
   will need to be tweaked.

3. Rename outer layers to top/bottom, which seems to be what other
   packages (specifically, eagle and kicad) use.  Component/solder
   isn't as obvious with SMT.  We've used front/back elsewhere before,
   too, but that seems to be even less common.

4. Make the default layers in the right order to reflect a physical

Note that this would be an interim change until we get around to
either a new-board-wizard or new-means-load-template.

So, geda/pcb users - would such a layout be a better default for you?
Or worse?  Or would something else make more sense?

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