On Sat, 11 Dec 2010, Laurent Monin wrote:

> Since Vladimir, Petr or I are too busy to work on Geeqie, i converted 
> geeqie current
> subversion repository to Git, and put it on github :
> https://github.com/zas/geeqie_zas
> I quickly committed patches from mailing list to it (3).
> I don't have much time to work on it, but i'll try to commit submitted 
> patches if any.
> I hope some devs will soon take over this git version.

Hi Laurent and others ;),

I disabled access to geeqie sourceforge svn repository because svn is now 
obsoleted and I will remove it next week. I created git repository and 
push master from your github geeqie_zas to sourceforge for now.

git://geeqie.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/geeqie/geeqie (read-only)


It will be good to push all branches to sf and use github only as mirror 
for sf, which should be still official repository/project pages for geeqie 
to avoid confusing users (we can add hooks to git for github mirroring). 
For git is not important stability of git hosting and if nobody has 
objections, we should stay on our old official place 

If somebody would like to join geeqie project on sf, please send me your 

JFYI: Vlada started work on new stereo support for geeqie (first step is 
pixbuf-renderer reorganizing), I hope he will commit first version/changes 
in few days.

Please send any objections.


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