Thanks to Brad's prompting, I took another look at this tonight.

I think the fundamental problem is that the transition to
split-transaction translation didn't move all the operations that
depend on the translation completing into the translation callback or
something that was guaranteed to run after the translation callback.
The req->isUncacheable() test that Brad moved around in his recent
patch (which I commented on just a few minutes ago) is one example of
that.  Another case is that we're calling traceData->setData() in
read() even though the translation may not be done yet (how does that
work?  are we calling setData() again when the real data comes back,
so we haven't noticed that this is broken?).  The other traceData
examples (like setAddr() or setData() in write()) are more like
anti-dependences; there's no direct dependence on the translation
finishing, but there is a dependence on it not deleting the traceData

So in other words the problem isn't that the finishTranslation() or
completeAcc() calls are happening too soon, it's that the code that
runs after the translation is initiated in read()/write() (or in
initiateAcc() from which it is called) should not be making
assumptions about whether finishTranslation() or completeAcc() has or
has not been called.  I think it's pretty easy to fix this, in some
cases by moving independent code up above where the translation is
initiated, and in other cases by moving dependent code into

Interestingly, there are a number of cases where we trace the store
data twice, once in the CPU's write() function and again in the ISA's
initiateAcc() function.  I propose to just get rid of the latter.

As I mentioned in the other email, I'm tempted to just get rid of the
recordEvent() calls, unless someone actually uses these.  I see that
Nate created the basic recordEvent() infrastructure in 2004, and right
now it's only uncached accesses and faults that get recorded, which
very ad hoc and irregular.

I'll try and make these changes and test them as soon as I can.  I
thought I'd send this note out first though in case anyone has
feedback before I get started.

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