On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 1:32 PM, nathan binkert <n...@binkert.org> wrote:

> > Plain textual sort please.  I don't completely follow the distinction
> here, but I'm guessing that it's pretty subtle at best, and not worth
> requiring something more than M-x sort-lines or equivalent to maintain
> compliance with.
> I was basically trying to implement something like what you had in the
> old util/sort-includes file that you wrote. The idea was that a
> directory (like sys/ or base/ would be sorted before a file like
> foo.h). For example:
> #include "b/c/d.hh"
> #include "b/a.hh"
> #include "a.hh"

Wow, I forgot I had written that... it was only seven years ago.

I guess it does make some sense to have the includes with paths before the
ones that are in the local directory, though applying that recursively may
be overkill.  (Or maybe it's inconsistent not to apply that recursively... I
don't know.)

Of course, if your new script is sufficiently robust, maybe we don't worry
too much about the mental effort of implementing the right kind of sort
manually and instead just run your script occasionally to get things right.

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