I think this is the first time I've updated an existing diff via
reviewboard, and I thought it would give me a chance to enter some comments
on the website before publishing it like a new diff, but it didn't. so here
are the comments that go with this diff:

I had originally been more aggressive about common prefix extraction, but
there were some glitches that made me go with the path-based approach...
however, in the process of uploading this diff I thought of some fixes.  So
consider this second diff as an alternative and not necessarily a
replacement.  Example output for the new diff, corresponding to the previous
example selection:

 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/sim/main: .cc -> .do
Defining FAST_ALLOC_DEBUG as 0 in build/ALPHA_SE/config/fast_alloc_debug.hh.
Defining FAST_ALLOC_STATS as 0 in build/ALPHA_SE/config/fast_alloc_stats.hh.
Defining NO_FAST_ALLOC as 0 in build/ALPHA_SE/config/no_fast_alloc.hh.
 [ TRACING]  -> ALPHA_SE/base/traceflags.hh
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/pyevent: .cc -> .do
Defining FULL_SYSTEM as 0 in build/ALPHA_SE/config/full_system.hh.
 [SO PARAM] MemObject -> ALPHA_SE/params/MemObject.hh
 [SO PARAM] SimObject -> ALPHA_SE/params/SimObject.hh
 [GENERATE]  -> ALPHA_SE/arch/isa_traits.hh
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/pyobject: .cc -> .do
 [    SWIG] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/core: .i -> _wrap.cc, .py
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/core_wrap: .cc -> .do
 [    SWIG] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/debug: .i -> _wrap.cc, .py
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/swig/debug_wrap: .cc -> .do
 [GENERATE]  -> ALPHA_SE/arch/vtophys.hh
 [ CFG ISA] alpha, arm, mips, no, power, sparc, x86 ->
 [GENERATE]  -> ALPHA_SE/arch/types.hh
 [GENERATE]  -> ALPHA_SE/arch/registers.hh
 [GENERATE] static_inst_exec_sigs.hh: AtomicSimpleCPU, InOrderCPU, O3CPU,
 [EN PARAM] MemoryMode -> ALPHA_SE/enums/MemoryMode.hh
 [SO PARAM] System -> ALPHA_SE/params/System.hh
 [EN PARAM] OpClass -> ALPHA_SE/enums/OpClass.hh
 [SO PARAM] PhysicalMemory -> ALPHA_SE/params/PhysicalMemory.hh
 [ISA DESC] ALPHA_SE/arch/alpha/: isa/main.isa -> decoder.cc, decoder.hh,
max_inst_regs.hh, atomic_simple_cpu_exec.cc, inorder_cpu_exec.cc,
o3_cpu_exec.cc, timing_simple_cpu_exec.cc
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/base/remote_gdb: .cc -> .do
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/base/socket: .cc -> .do
 [SW PARAM] Process -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_Process.i
 [BLDPARAM] Process -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_Process.i
 [BLDPARAM] SimObject -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_SimObject.i
 [BLDPARAM] System -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_System.i
 [ENUMSWIG] MemoryMode -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/enum_MemoryMode.i
 [BLDPARAM] PhysicalMemory ->
 [BLDPARAM] MemObject -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_MemObject.i
 [    SWIG] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_Process: .i -> _wrap.cc, .py
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_Process_wrap: .cc -> .do
 [SW PARAM] AddrRange -> ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_AddrRange.i
 [    SWIG] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_AddrRange: .i -> _wrap.cc,
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/vptype_AddrRange_wrap: .cc -> .do
 [EMBED PY] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_BaseSimpleCPU.py:  -> .cc
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_BaseSimpleCPU.py: .cc -> .do
 [EMBED PY] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_LiveProcess.py:  -> .cc
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/python/m5/internal/param_LiveProcess.py: .cc -> .do
 [ TRACING]  -> ALPHA_SE/base/traceflags.py
 [EMBED PY] ALPHA_SE/base/traceflags.py:  -> .cc
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/base/traceflags.py: .cc -> .do
 [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/base/date: .cc -> .do
 [    LINK]  -> ALPHA_SE/m5.debug
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