On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Steve Reinhardt <ste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>>  [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/sim/main: .cc -> .do
>> >> My only change would be to remove the colon space.  It serves little
>> >> purpose and makes cut-and-paste less useful.
>> >>
>> >> [     CXX] ALPHA_SE/sim/main.cc -> .do
> That's a decent idea... I didn't do it that way because it makes it
> potentially ambiguous about where the new extension gets spliced in, but in
> practice that's got to be rare, and having at least one file name you can
> cut and paste is a win (that's one thing I wasn't thrilled with about either
> of my patches).

So far I've found two oddities with a straightforward implementation of this

(1) It breaks down when the target is a prefix of the source:

 [   STRIP] ALPHA_SE/m5.fast.unstripped ->

instead of

 [   STRIP] ALPHA_SE/m5.fast: .unstripped ->

(2) It gives the wrong impression when targets are in a parent directory
relative to the source:

 [ISA DESC] ALPHA_SE/arch/alpha/isa/main.isa -> decoder.cc, decoder.hh,
max_inst_regs.hh, atomic_simple_cpu_exec.cc, inorder_cpu_exec.cc,
o3_cpu_exec.cc, timing_simple_cpu_exec.cc

instead of

 [ISA DESC] ALPHA_SE/arch/alpha: isa/main.isa -> decoder.cc, decoder.hh,
max_inst_regs.hh, atomic_simple_cpu_exec.cc, inorder_cpu_exec.cc,
o3_cpu_exec.cc, timing_simple_cpu_exec.cc

I don't see these as deal-breakers, and I'm fine with leaving them as they
are unless someone has a reasonable idea about how to address them, but I
thought I'd point out that the ambiguities aren't purely theoretical.

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