Hi Nilay,

My responses are below:

> The main thing I would like to see improved is not having to differentiate
> between “entry” and “entry_ptr” in the .sm files.  Am I correct
> that the only functions in the .sm files that are passed an
> “entry_ptr” are “is_valid_ptr”, “getCacheEntry”, and
> “set_cache_entry”?  If so, it seems that all three functions are
> generated with unique python code, either in an AST file or
> StateMachine.py.  Therefore, could we just pass these functions
> “entry” and rely on the underneath python code to generate the correct
> references?  This would make things more readable, “is_valid_ptr()”
> becomes “is_valid”, and it doesn’t require the slicc programmer to
> understand which functions take an entry pointer versus the entry itself. 
> If we can’t make such a change, I worry about how much extra complexity
> this change pushes on the slicc programmer.

There are functions that are passed cache entry and transaction buffer entry as 
arguments. Currently, I assume that these arguments are passed using pointers.

[BB] So does that mean that the cache entry is always passed in as a pointer?  
If so, can one just use "cache_entry" for all function calls and remove any use 
of "cache_entry_ptr" in the .sm files?  That is essentially what I would like 
to see.  

> Also another suggestion to make things more readable, please replace the
> name L1IcacheMemory_entry with L1I_entry.  Do the same for L1D_entry and
> L2_entry.  That will shorten many of your lines.

The names of the cache entry variables are currently tied with the names of the 
cache memory variables belonging to the machine. If the name of the cache 
memory variable is A, then the corresponding cache entry variable is named 

[BB] Ah, I see.  Ok then let's just keep them the way they are for now.  We can 
deal with shorting the names later.

> So am I correct that hammer’s simultaneous usage of valid L1 and L2
> cache entries in certain transitions is the only reason that within all
> actions, the getCacheEntry calls take multiple cache entries?  If so, I
> think it would be fairly trivial to use a tbe entry as an intermediary
> between the L1 and L2 for those particular hammer transitions.  That way
> only one cache entry is valid at any particular time, and we can simply
> use the variable cache_entry in the actions.  That should clean things up
> a lot.

Oops! Should have thought of that before doing all those changes. But can we 
assume that we would always have only one valid cache entry pointer at any 
given time? If that's true, I would probably revert to previous version of the 
patch. This should also resolve the naming issue.

[BB] I wouldn't have expected you to realize that.  It is one of those things 
that isn't completely obvious without spending a lot of time developing 
protocols.  Yes, I think it is easiest for you to just revert to the previous 
version of the patch and just modify the hammer protocol to use a tbe entry as 
an intermediary.  We've always had an unofficial rule that a controller can 
only manage multiple caches if those caches are exclusive with respect to each 
other.  For the most part, that rule has been followed by all the protocols I'm 
familiar with.  I think your change just makes that an official policy.

> By the way, once you check in these patches, the MESI_CMP_directory
> protocol will be deprecated, correct?  If so, make sure you include a
> patch that removes it from the regression tester.

I have a patch for the protocol, but I need to discuss it. Do you think it is 
possible that a protocol is not in a dead lock but random tester outputs so 
because the underlying memory system is taking too much time? The patch works 
for 1, 2, and 4 processors for 10,000,000 loads. I have tested these processor 
configurations with 40 different seed values. But for 8 processors, random 
tester outputs some thing like this --

panic: Possible Deadlock detected. Aborting!
version: 6 request.paddr: 12779 m_writeRequestTable: 15 current time: 369500011 
issue_time: 368993771 difference: 506240
 @ cycle 369500011
[wakeup:build/ALPHA_SE_MESI_CMP_directory/mem/ruby/system/Sequencer.cc, line 

[BB] Yes, the current version of MESI_CMP_directory is broken in many places.  
Arka just told me that he recently fixed many of those problems.  I suggest 
getting his fixes and working from there.

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