Hello Kazi,

Take a look at configs/example/gem5_library/arm-hello.py. It is a good
example of SE mode for ARM ISA. If you are interested in instantiating a
memory module look at lines 47, and 62 from the same file.
P.S. I'm checking out the stable branch on the gem5 repo
(Hash: 141cc37c2d4b93959d4c249b8f7e6a8b2ef75338).

Best Regards,

On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 1:17 PM Kazi Asifuzzaman <kazi.asifuzza...@gmail.com>

> Hi Mahyar,
> Thanks for your mail and suggestions. Could you please give examples of:
> 1. How to use gem5 standard library to configure a system, instead of
> using se.py?
> 2. How to use standard library API to instantiate a memory?
> Thanks,
> Kazi
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 1:43 PM Mahyar Samani <msam...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>> Hello Kazi,
>> Thanks for reaching out. Yes, I am aware of the problem. Fortunately, the
>> issue is not with gem5/DRAMSim3 integration. Rather, it's just caused by
>> some of the differences between gem5 and DRAMSim3 memory controller. I
>> assume you are using either of the se.py or fs.py in src/config/example. I
>> can propose a quick solution to your problem. However, we believe using
>> se.py/fs.py to do your simulation is not the best solution. We have
>> recently added the gem5 standard library that makes it easier for you to
>> configure the system you want to simulate. Back to the solution, fs.py and
>> se.py use api from src/config/common/MemConfig.py to configure the memory
>> components in the system (this does not include caches). What you'll need
>> to do (reminder: this a quick solution) is to find calls to api from
>> MemConfig.py in se.py/fs.py (whichever one you are using) and remove
>> those calls and instantiate the memory yourself. The standard library has a
>> really easy api to instantiate a memory. Please look at
>> src/python/gem5/components/memory/dramsim_3.py for memories from DRAMSim3.
>> I hope this is helpfull, if you needed further help, please feel free to
>> reach out to me (I have a deadline today at 11:59 pm PST and will respond
>> asap after that). I would appreciate it if you could send your questions to
>> the gem5 mailing list. This way, other people would also be aware of the
>> bugs and inconsistencies in the repo and it definitely makes it a bigger
>> priority to be solved. Feel free to cc me so I make sure to respond as
>> quickly as possible.
>> Best Regards,
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 10:23 AM Kazi Asifuzzaman <
>> kazi.asifuzza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good Afternoon Mahyar,
>>> From a gem5 discussion group, it appears that you are managing (a part
>>> of) the gem5 project. I am trying to integrate Gem5 with DRAMSim3 (the way
>>> it explains in ext/dramsim3/README), but when the try to use
>>> --mem-type=DRAMsim3 to run the simulation it says: AttributeError:
>>> object 'DRAMsim3' has no attribute 'controller'
>>> Could you please shed some light on it? In a mail thread I see that you
>>> were working on a fix for this, could you resolve this issue?
>>> Many thanks for your time,
>>> *Kazi *
>> --
>> Mahyar Samani
>> PhD Student
>> Research Assistant at *DArchR <https://arch.cs.ucdavis.edu/>*
>> University of California, Davis
>> May the Force be with you.

Mahyar Samani
PhD Student
Research Assistant at *DArchR <https://arch.cs.ucdavis.edu/>*
University of California, Davis
May the Force be with you.
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