Thanks for your detailed review, Martin!

And thank you Victor for a very useful document!

Much of the discussion in this thread is important but also partly editorial. 
I'll leave it to sort out between yourselves.

However, I do think Section 6 last sentence:

   Should a provide choose to use non-assigned IP address space within their 
translation realms, then considerations may apply.

gives an odd impression. We already have shared address space (as the document 
notes elsewhere), so it is not clear to me what the above might entail, 
particularly when (a) regular address space assignments go through the RIR 
system not IANA (b) use of unassigned address space is probably not something 
that we want to recommend and (c) if we need to do something beyond the 
existing shared address space allocation, then that probably deserves its own 

I can see that Victor you've already agreed to make a change wrt Section 6. I 
just wanted to check that this is indeed the plan, so that we can move on to 
approving the document :-)


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