On 2/2/2012 3:03 AM, Caroline Becker wrote:
Don't be depress Sarah if female participation remains low. Even if Wikipedia was a perfect place without any bias, it would still be a project from the "real world" were lot of forces prevent women from editing : lower confidence in themselves, less free time, lower access to education.

We can't change the world, juste make our small environnement a little less unjust.

Particularly making it more acceptable to raise the issues of harassment, double standards and systematic bias in various dispute situations in terms of sex.

So far I've been lucky that in the most negative situations others did raise it and call it out, if not on my sex, at least on political or admin vs. editor basis. When I brought up the sex bias issue I was ignored or ridiculed.

Of course, it helps if women (acknowledged being so or not) spend more time commenting on ANI or Wikiquette or other places where civility and sometimes even sex bias issues raised. I've been on latter lately here and there; not on former in quite a while.


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