On May 31, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Michael J. Lowrey wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Please consider the likelihood that there may be a correlation between the
>> let-it-all-hang-out attitude towards porn, and the problem you describe as
>> "sexualized behavior – sexist comments and bad manners".
>> The let-it-all-hang-out approach towards porn is likely
>> – to attract people who engage in "sexualized behavior – sexist comments and
>> bad manners", and
>> – to repel the type of people who would be "allies within the community to
>> shoot down behaviour like that (civility!)".
>> A more responsible and mainstream approach, on the other hand, is apt to
>> repel the first and attract the second type of contributor.
> {{citation needed}}
> Unquestioned premises almost inevitably lead to false conclusions. In
> this case, the unquestioned premise is that those who oppose
> censorship are people who engage in (or at least tolerate) sexist
> comments and bad manners, as opposed to the possibility that those who
> people oppose censorship believe in opposing censorship as a matter of
> principle. You are unilaterally defining opponents of censorship as
> irresponsible, out of the mainstream, and unwilling to support
> civility: again I say, {{citation needed}}!

Too commonly on Wikimedia projects, the following two positions are conflated:

(1) Concern about the ratio of content (e.g. the number of one kind of photo 
vs. another kind of photo) or the social dynamics around editing
(2) Willingness to engage in censorship

The two are simply not the same. To have a concern (like 1) is not to endorse 
one specific course of action (like 2). Offhand, I can't think of any actively 
engaged Wikipedian who has ever seriously endorsed censorship in our projects.

In general, within our projects and mailing lists, I'd like to see less 
inflammatory rhetoric based on this kind of conflation. I don't think it 
advances the discussion to label people as supporting censorship, when they 
have done no such thing.

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